informacije   vstopnina

Summer opening times (March – October)

Tuesdayfrom 10:00 amto 6:00 pm
Wednesdayfrom 10:00 amto 6:00 pm
Thursdayfrom 10:00 amto 6:00 pm
Fridayfrom 10:00 amto 6:00 pm
Saturdayfrom 10:00 amto 6:00 pm
Sundayfrom 10:00 amto 6:00 pm

Last admission to the museum 17.30

Winter opening times (November – February)

Tuesdayfrom 10:00 amto 4:00 pm
Wednesdayfrom 10:00 amto 4:00 pm
Thursdayfrom 10:00 amto 4:00 pm
Fridayfrom 10:00 amto 4:00 pm
Saturdayfrom 9:00 amto 1:00 pm

Last admission to the museum 15.30